Samantha Toy
I'm Sam, I am so glad you found me.
I'm a mum, a certified sensitive sleep consultant and primary school teacher.
I have a passion for helping families achieve sleep success.
Following my postnatal depression and anxiety diagnosis in 2020, I embarked on a journey to empower myself with the complete knowledge, understanding and skills to help create sustainable, positive sleep habits for our whole families, whilst supporting and responding to my baby.
No matter what your current challenges are or your desired sleep goals, we will work through them together to achieve sleep success.
Contact me today,
Sam Toy
Client Testimonials
"Sam has been an amazing support for my little one. She answered all of my sleep questions and provided effective gentle strategies to support my little one into positive sleep habits. We still have a way to go, however Sam has put us on the right path and I feel with persistence and consistency I will win the sleep battles in the end without the stress of a crying baby. Sam's communication was quick, well detailed and easy to follow with research to back it up! Thank you again for your support."
- Jess
"Sam was so helpful and was quick to communicate to help us with any ongoing questions. She was really understanding of our needs and we felt really supported the whole time."
- Mel
"Sam was so helpful and was quick to communicate to help us with any ongoing questions. She was really understanding of our needs and we felt really supported the whole time."
"Sam has been so prompt, helpful and made me feel very supported throughout this process! Sleep is such a tough area of raising kids and she has been non judgemental and on my side genuinely. If she didn’t have an immediate full answer to a question I had she was straight onto finding out a research based solution. We are very grateful."
- Sally